An Open Letter to the nuCamp Community from Scott Hubble

August 5, 2024

To My Beloved Community,

A few months ago, I began thinking about everything that has happened over the course of the past 20 years of my life. In those years, nuCamp has grown tremendously. As we all know, with growth comes change. I have experienced many changes over the last few years, from growing my family and overcoming personal adversity to adapting as the business matured and the economic landscape shifted.

It’s astonishing to think in that time span, I got married, graduated from law school, and started a family. Now, two of my children have graduated high school and are finding their own paths in life.

It’s been nearly 17 years since I was presented an opportunity to do some part-time, contract-based marketing work for a small distributor named Little Guy. At the time, they sold a couple dozen trailers a month and operated out of the attic of a used car dealership.

As the scope of my work increased, I learned the product, used my analytical skills, and discovered opportunities for improvement. Eventually, I had the privilege to be introduced to an individual outside of the company by the name of Joe Mullet. While he seemed to be entirely different than me, we quickly realized that we shared the same vision for superb products and a heart for people.

Since that time, a lot has changed:

  • We went from his garage to a 150k+ sq ft facility with 2 other buildings
  • We went from Joe being the sole employee to a team that has topped 200.
  • We went from building just 1 teardrop a week to over 80.
  • We went from exclusively producing Little Guys’ and ‘Silver Shadows’ to TAGs, three different kinds of TABs, three different kinds of Cirrus truck campers, Barefoot campers — not to mention, myPods, Cirrus 720s, and AVIAs.

It’s amazing to look back on our progress with products and buildings, but even more so, the way that the community has grown. I have known some of you since 2007 and others I met at uCamp for the first time this year. No matter the length of time, the fact is, we all started a new season in our lives when we joined this amazing community. 

Just like there are the beginnings of seasons, there are also endings, and sadly, after a great deal of reflection, prayer, and wise council, I have decided that it is my time to step away from nuCamp.

Coming to this decision was not easy, especially given everything I have poured into this company over the years. I have had the honor to work and grow alongside people that care genuinely and put others ahead of themselves.

With that, the obvious question to answer is, “Why?” 

There isn’t a concise way to bring clarity to my “why” but when I felt a nudge to explore a new path, I began to reflect. I learned years ago not to ignore those nudges, but rather investigate them with discernment, free from bias. I have also learned to trust the peace that surpassed understanding – and I have peace about this decision, even though it is difficult.

As I look both at the present as well as the future, I can confidently state that nuCamp is poised for continued success:

  • The company was founded with the strongest of core values.
  • nuCamp has a good name in the marketplace and a tremendous presence online.
  • There are new products hitting dealers’ lots and exciting projects in the pipeline.
  • I believe that nuCamp has a team that is unmatched anywhere in terms of care: for the product, our processes, and above all, people.
  • There is a clear plan, with paced production, that will yield steady financial results.

In short, the future remains bright for nuCamp.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Joe and every one of you. This community is unique, loving, remarkable, and, in a word — amazing. I will always treasure the friendships and comradery that came with being part of this wonderful organization.

It has been my honor and immense pleasure to get to know and serve with you. The experiences and relationships I have built will forever hold a special place in my heart.

I love nuCamp and each one of you.

Humbly Yours,

Scott Hubble

24 responses to “An Open Letter to the nuCamp Community from Scott Hubble

  1. Thank you Scott. Your vision, the values you cherish and live each day and your heartfelt servant-based leadership are an example to the world. And isn’t that what we have been asked to do in this lifetime? Wishing you days of joy as you walk a new path with eyes of wonder and your heart open to a new call.

  2. Bon Voyage! May your journey be full of delight just like ours! Your product provides absolute and unique joy. We traveled fulltime in a 2018 Newmar DP and I feel this 23 Tab 400 is better. Kudos to you and your entire staff.

    1. Thank you so much for your well-wishes! We’re thrilled to hear that your TAB 400 has brought you such joy and that it stands out even among your full-time travel experiences. Scott Hubble’s leadership and the dedication of our entire team have always been focused on creating unique and delightful adventures for our community. Your feedback means the world to us. Safe travels and happy adventures!

  3. Scott,
    Thank you for being a driving force in a great family company. Your help for us in the early T@B 400 days allow us to own and cherish a great Nu Camp product.

    May you alway have peace and success in your life!

    1. Thank you for your heartfelt message! Scott’s dedication and leadership have indeed been instrumental in shaping nuCamp into the company it is today. We’re delighted to know that the early days of the TAB 400 hold such cherished memories for you. Your well-wishes for Scott are greatly appreciated. Wishing you continued joy and adventures with your nuCamp product!

  4. Scott,
    It’s been an incredible joy to know you and to “work” with you ever since we first met you and Joe Mullet on the same day in April 2009 when we purchased one of Joe’s one at a time Silver Shadows. Through the years we have always been incredibly impressed with your ethics and core values and your role in creating a nüCamp family. We wish you an incredible future and will always treasure our relationship with you. Godspeed.

    1. Thank you for being a long-time member of the nuCamp family. We’re so glad you’ve had the opportunity to get to know Scott over the years. His kindness and compassion have helped shape nuCamp into the company it is today. We appreciate your well-wishes.

  5. Scott, I wish you success with your new ventures. You have guided me through my T@B ownership with honest care and compassion that I have never experienced in any other company. I consider you a friend for life and my prayers are with you for your continued success in your path to fulfill your dreams.

    Verna Schultz and Sunny Day

    1. Scott truly represent’s nuCamp’s core values. He cares genuinely about nuCamp and the community. His compassion and leadership have helped shape our team, and he will be greatly missed! Thank you for sharing your experience.

  6. Thank you Scott, it has been a pleasure getting to know you these past 3 years. I appreciate all you gave done for me and the entire Ucamp family. I wish you and your family nothing but the best in your future endeavors. Oh… and Go Blue ! ?

    1. Thank you for your kind words! We wish Scott the best as well as he begins his next chapter.

  7. On behalf of everyone at Truma, thank you Scott for your leadership and vision. We have enjoyed working with you and look forward to continuing to be proud partners with everyone at nuCamp. Best wishes for your next chapter.

    1. Thank you for being such an awesome partner! We look forward to continuing our work together in the future. We wish Scott the best as well as he embarks on this new venture.

  8. Scott lives out Micah 6:8 … what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
    Thank you for your leadership and dedication to the individuals that God places in your path. I’m praying for your next steps in the days ahead.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. We wish Scott the best as he begins this new chapter. His leadership and heart for people have left a lasting impression on all of us at nuCamp.

  9. It’s a vastly different experience and skill set required to launch and develop an organization than to maintain one. Congrats on doing an excellent job of developing this company, and best wishes for your next chapter.

    1. Scott has played such an integral role in making nuCamp the company is today as he worked alongside our founder Joe Mullet. We cannot express how grateful we are for his leadership and kindness throughout the years. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.

  10. Scott,
    May your journey take you to new and great horizons. I was a pleasure working with you back in 2014 and 2015 developing the now Cirrus 820. Your leadership will be much missed at Pleasant Valley.

  11. Scott, it has been a great pleasure to get to know you over the years. Life is full of endings and beginnings, like chapters in a book, and I know whatever beginning is ahead of you, you will shine being a part of it. I wish you all the best as you venture forth and hope to always be able to call you a friend. All the best.

    1. Thank you for your touching message. Scott has greatly valued getting to know you over the years as well. Your kind words and support mean a lot during this transition. We all wish him the best in his next chapter and are confident he will continue to shine. Your friendship is deeply appreciated.

  12. Congratulations Scott! May I coin one of my favorite phrases” When opportunity knocks, it doesn’t expect you to sit down for dinner”. So important to listen to the “ping” in ones brain! Your accomplishments are remarkable and NuCamp has benefitted from your vision. Wishing you excitement on your new adventures as we (the community) will continue to enjoy our quality campers while seeing what the road has to offer! ,??

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