Longing to give back to the communities you’ve been visiting on your road trips?
There are plenty of opportunities to be a RV volunteer. All it takes is some time and advance planning, and the rewards are more than worth the effort.
Here are a few ideas to get you started. For more information, visit American Hiking Society’s Volunteer Vacations page or go to Volunteer.gov for federal volunteer options. More suggestions are in RV-Dreams’ Volunteering On The Road post.
Volunteer as a national or state park campground.
Start by searching state or national parks’ websites for volunteer opportunities. Then check if they have an RV site and what types of hookups are available. Keep in mind that, as this article from Axle Addict points out, amenities can vary from one park to the next. Do your research so you know what to expect: the type of work you’ll be doing and the number of hours you’re expected to give. Then apply early because positions can be quickly filled.
Participate in Habitat for Humanity’s RV Care-A-Vanners program.
RV Care-A-Vanners offers a variety of options, from hands-on volunteering as Master Safety Trainers or Disaster Rebuild Team members to serving on the RV Care-A-Vanner desk staff to help manage the program. You can also be a Habitat advocate, speaking to churches, civic groups and the media about the importance of safe, affordable housing and the results of poor living conditions. As long as your RV has holding tanks that can be dumped in compliance with local, state and federal law, you can participate.
Work with SOWER (Servants On Wheels Ever Ready).
Sower is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian couples RV work ministry that provides volunteer help to selected non-profit Christian ministries: camps, conference centers, orphanages, schools, missionary retreat centers and training facilities, homes for abused children and recovery homes for adults. Ministries provide RV hookups, work supervision, specialty tools and materials as needed. SOWERS supply hand tools, labor and their own meals. SOWERS are allowed to stay at projects for one week following a three-week work commitment, giving them an opportunity to see the local sights or just rest and relax.
Be a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers volunteer.
The Corps of Engineers offers many volunteer opportunities in recreation and natural resources management on its nearly 12 million acres of land and water. You can be a park or campground host, staff a visitor center, maintain park trails and facilities or a host of other activities. For more information, visit the Volunteer Clearinghouse or call 1-800-VOL-TEER (800-865-8337).
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